Title: A Moment Immortalised - Luka Modrić Collaborates with Frame The Game

Supporters of the Croatian national team know better than anyone what a unique talent Luka Modrić is. For the seventeen years that he has represented us on the pitch, his triumphs have been our triumphs: we watched with delight as he captained us to second and third place at consecutive Fifa World Cups.

After nearly two decades spent making Croatian history, Modrić is now giving his fans the opportunity to immortalise a moment from it. His recent collaboration with the globally renowned company, Frame The Game, has resulted in some breathtakingly beautiful memorabilia: a collection of 2022-23 Croatia shirts signed individually by Modric, then placed inside premium quality, handcrafted frames.

Frame The Game is a company dedicated to the dual principles of protection and preservation, both of which derive from their fundamental belief that a signed football shirt is a timeless treasure, and deserves to be treated as such. These principles are also evident in the crafting process, where premium quality wood is combined with sustainable, locally sourced materials.

A limited number of Modrić’s framed and signed shirts are now available for purchase on Frame The Game’s website, which can be found by clicking here: https://www.framethegame.com/luka-modric

Frame The Game Socials: Instagram, X, Facebook, LinkedIn

Écrit par MatchWornShirt
Publié le 10/11/2023 12:40

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